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ISSN: 2641-1768

Scholarly Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences

Research ArticleOpen Access

A Project-based Approach to Examine University Teachers’ Attitudes towards Visually Impaired Students

Volume 2 - Issue 3

Eugene Allevato* and Moayad Al Marrar

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    • 1Department of psychology, USA
    • 2Department of Pharmacology, USA

    *Corresponding author: Eugene Allevato, Department of psychology, USA

Received: April 25, 2019;   Published: May 01, 2019

DOI: 10.32474/SJPBS.2019.02.000137

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A case study was conducted that included an interview of a visually impaired (VIP) psychology student and a survey of teachers’ attitudes towards VIP students. A project-based approach was utilized to teach statistics to the VIP student. A survey to examine teachers’ attitudes towards the VIP student was prepared as part of a course assignment. This study utilized a mixed-method approach integrating qualitative and quantitative research. Data from 64 faculty members was collected via survey. The results of the study revealed that 33% of the teachers had positive attitudes toward VIP students. Factor analysis indicated that teachers’ attitude has three components explaining 52% of the total variance: 1- Teacher’s confidence to teach the visually impaired, 2- Lesson impact due to the presence of the visually impaired in a regular classroom, and 3- the recognition of the visually impaired contribution to the enrichment of the classroom experience. These factors seem to indicate that experience with teaching the visually impaired enhance teacher’s confidence to teach the visually impaired and recognition of the visually impaired contribution. Obtained results show significant difference with respect to teachers’ confidence (p-value 0.005) in their ability to effectively teach the VIP. There was also a significant difference in the perception of the VIP contribution to benefit the entire class (p-value 0.024). However, the belief that teachers had to alter the lesson plan because of the presence of the VIP student in class was not significant. Most teachers had varying views and preconceived misconceptions about teaching the visually impaired and claimed the major challenge would be to describe visuals. The study concluded that positive attitude of teachers towards the visually impaired was dependent on whether or not they had previous exposure to visually impaired people. Moreover, this study supports the claim that inclusive education with the necessary resources, and supportive teachers may contribute to the visually impaired students’ academic success. The study led to relevant teaching model suggestions for VIP students towards inclusive education.

Abstract| Introduction| Methodology| Results and Discussion| Conclusion and Recommendations| References|