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ISSN: 2637-4544

Interventions in Gynaecology and Women's Healthcare

Research Protocol(ISSN: 2637-4544)

Footnotes for the Article-The Orgasmic Reflex: A Biological Phenomenon Whose Establishment Depends One a Period of Sensivity» Volume 5 - Issue 4

Gérard Zwang*

  • Faculty of Medicine of Paris, Former Chief of Surgical Clinic, Surgeon-urologist, Melun, France

Received:June 13, 2022; Published: June 20, 2022

Corresponding author: Gerard Zwang, Faculty of Medicine of Paris, Former Chief of Surgical Clinic, Surgeon-urologist at Melun, F 10 Impasse Léo Delibes, F 345000 Béziers, France

DOI: 10.32474/IGWHC.2022.05.000216

Abstract PDF

Research Protocol

a) I Kant, Lorenz’s predecessor, is said to have said “obeyed categoric imperatives”.

b) The female movements of the pelvis (of the dorsolumbar hinge), offered as an evocative spectacle, are always popular with the male public. Some women who are harassed or paid perform them deliberately, with authority, to trigger the ejaculation of an annoying or paying partner as quickly as possible.

c) Hairless malpighian cuttanies

d) The observations of Masters and Johnson were made under very specific conditions of security, on volunteers. Female orgasms in pornographic films are simulated, and male ejaculations occur in the open air only under the actor’s imperious manual solicitation.

e) Some humans have their “addiction to orgasm” “treated”, the whim of the privileged in sight.

f) The “Buttock steatoma” described by Jayle (Jayle, 1918).

g) Evolutlitionary prodige, developed from the teats of the quadrupeds, and from the pendulum of the suckling simians. Histology does not seen to have be sufficiently concerned with the description of the erogenous receptors of adult female mammae.

h) Humans did not “invent” cunnilinctus. Males of other species, especially bovines, practice it; but humans are the only ones to perform fellatio.

i) And also, to the aggression, which joins to the modesty to reinforce its protection.

j) coital stimulation provided naturally by the inserted penis; not equivalent to the vibrations provided by the various electric postiches. Appreciated by women whose reflex has been established, they are not the most qualified to remedy primary vaginal coldness.

k) The surgeon must sometimes extract them.

l) The glans of the penis remains insensitive to cold.

m) This is the case of Marie Bonaparte, who became the extravagant, fierce opponent of clitoral pleasure.

n) Miraculous passage fabricated by many erotic stories

o) This male mastery is not (yet) taught in school. The practitioners of “courtly love” submitted themselves to this feminine requirement, whose various probationary tests were crowned by that of a coitus reservatus, without ejaculation, in order not to adulterate the lineage (Zwang, 1994).

p) Inter faeces et urinam nascimur (Augustine).

q) Yet those who proudly display their hair seem unaware that this glorious mane is given to them by the animal nature of the human species.

r) prohibition still in force in XXI century: no hair, no slit on the female statues.

s) The Bible does not recognize animals - except the ox and the donkey.

t) C GZ The Statue of Freud.

u) All women are, with very rare exceptions: the “failures” of reflex maturation.

v) Anesthesia typically hysterical for the Freudians.

w) What Freud accused tutors and nannies of (for him a personal episode). The valiant warriors of certain Amerindian tribes instructed the young males.

x) The ancient Japanese practiced public contests for maintaining erection.

y) The remarkable point, for the human clitoris, is not at all the great size of its cavernous bodies, claiming to rival the organ of simian females, or even the penis, but on the contrary the prodigiousness of its miniaturization, in relation to the great bodily diffusion that its stimulation entails.


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