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ISSN: 2638-6062

Peer Reviewed Journal of Forensic & Genetic Sciences

Review Article(ISSN: 2638-6062)

The Role of School and Teacher in Crime Prevention Volume 4 - Issue 5

Hassan Mohammadi Nevisi1* and Maryam Sharafi2

  • 1Associate Professor, SMC University, Switzerland
  • 2Teacher of Mohandes Askari School, Qom (Pardisan), Iran

Received: December 08, 2022;   Published: December 14, 2022

*Corresponding author: Hassan Mohammadi Nevisi, Associate Professor, SMC University, Switzerland

DOI: 10.32474/PRJFGS.2022.04.000198


Abstract PDF


The purpose of the present research is to familiarize with the role of schools and teachers in crime prevention. Students are the most important and sensitive elements in the education system and the national assets of any country. The school, as one of the most important official and educational institutions of every country, which all children enter when they reach the school age, is obliged to provide them with the necessary and useful preparations, by raising the level of knowledge and awareness of the students, to protect them from risky behaviors and Unhealthy social security. Today, if we do not take necessary measures to prevent, control and reduce social harms, we will undoubtedly lose valuable material, spiritual, human, and social assets, which are our children. Therefore, in this article, the role of the educational system in preventing social harm has been examined. The results indicate that the school, due to its important educational and educational functions and its position among the students, plays an important role in the field of promoting their ability and taking care of them against social harms, and we should give this institution Pay more attention to the institution of the family.

Keywords: Teacher; school; crime; crime prevention; student


In our era, social harms, and deviations and as a result the concerns of people have also changed. Once upon a time, among the past societies, some social phenomena such as suicide, addiction, etc., were not considered as a social problem or an acute situation, or deviations such as cyber and computer crimes, pornography, etc. did not exist. The new and modern world, despite all the blessings and facilities, has many disadvantages and harms, which have occupied the minds of education workers and social pathologists, as well as the minds of parents and families. Until we know the dimensions and different aspects of a social harm well and we don’t know its experimental and theoretical studies, it will be difficult to deal with it and react properly. Social harm is the concept of behavior that is in some way incompatible with the common expectations of the members of a society, and most people consider it distasteful and wrong. In fact, every society expects its members to follow the values and abandon them but there are always some people in the schools who don’t follow some of these values and leave them alone. Kandan reads as non-conformist or non-conformist. Among the abnormal people, the one whose abnormal behavior is not fleeting and lasts for a long time is called Kajro or deviant, and his behavior is called social deviation or social damage. Criminology and criminology focus on those violations of norms that are considered sins by a large number of people; Therefore, deviance or social harm is said to be behaviors that violate social norms and as a result are reprehensible from the point of view of a large number of people. The increasing spread of social harms (dropping out, running away from school, addiction, theft, forming opposition groups, etc.) especially in recent years among students, as well as the spread of open and hidden corruption, a significant increase in crimes and crimes Social and drug pollution among young people and teenagers requires serious reflection and solution thinking [1].

The Teacher and His/her Central Role

Teachers play the main and central role in educating useful and efficient people in the society, and the management of the affairs of every country in the future will be in the hands of people who have been educated by today’s teachers. The school is one of the most important social, educational, and educational institutions and the main pillar of education, which aims to educate students correctly in religious, moral, scientific, educational, social dimensions and discover talents and guide their balanced spiritual, spiritual and physical growth based on the approved goals of the courses. It is established and managed according to the rules and guidelines of the Ministry of Education. Transferring the basic values of the society is in the focus of the educational system, in such a way that the school obliges the students to internalize the values of the society. Meanwhile, the role of the teacher to transfer these values is undeniable and very important. In human society, the most basic work is education. The person who carries this mission is the “teacher”. The work of a teacher refers to any effort that is made to guide, develop, and educate a human being. In the naming of different classes that have assumed the task of education, only one class is called “teacher”; That is, those who undertake the mission of educating our children from childhood and primary education to youth and higher education [2].

Teacher As a Role Model for Students

Researchers believe; The society needs knowledgeable, compassionate, and capable teachers who can achieve the goals of the education system. A teacher who is responsible for educating the next generation should be strengthened in various cultural and social fields. Teachers’ attention to modern sciences and access to scientific and psychological teachings and efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle will guarantee the progress of the student community. Teachers play the main and central role in educating useful and efficient people in the society, and the administration of the country’s affairs in the future will be done by people who have been trained by today’s teachers. The correct education of students by teachers makes the society safe from social harm. Because teachers are in charge of the mission of education, they can penetrate the depths of human existence and leave a lasting impression [3]. Based on the results of the research, 10 dimensions have been pointed out in relation to the role and model of the teacher in building the personality of the students.

These dimensions include: the role of mental education and training, the role of a role model and emotional growth, the role of support and fertilization of talents and interests, the role of reinforcement and effort in creating desirable behavior, the role of society and the creation of healthy and constructive relationships, the role of consultation and diagnosis and providing guidance. Solving for problems, leadership role and creating order and decision-making power, innovative role and creating opportunities for the growth of creativity, disciplinary role and helping personal control, spiritual role and developing moral values. During academic training, teachers should be familiar with the views of educational schools, psychology and sociology regarding the functions and roles of teachers, as well as the principles and methods of transferring knowledge, developing, and strengthening skills, and creating appropriate attitudes in students, and thus familiar with playing their educational role. The role of a teacher as a role model is particularly important due to direct and continuous communication with students. That is, a capable teacher can be an effective role model for students by using characteristics such as openness, playing with students, respecting them, telling stories, not blaming, and punishing students, and finally by giving positive reinforcement [4].

In general, the relationship between the student and the teacher is an inner and spiritual relationship. A student considers a teacher as a respected and privileged person who helps him grow up and become an official member of the society. The popular model is accepted. Although the student has already acquired a lot of knowledge and information in the family environment, he has learned behaviors and got used to things, and his personality has been formed to some extent, but he has not yet taken a fixed form and is flexible and changeable to a large extent. At this age, children and adolescents leave the family environment and are officially accepted into a new society, i.e., school or university, and this is where they build their personality and complete and stabilize it, so this is how the role of a teacher can be well understood. Therefore, Victor Hugo believes: “The teacher is the bright light of every nation”.

Prevention of Social Harms and Crimes

A point that many experts emphasize is the importance of the role of teachers and schools in the prevention of social harms, a task that, according to experts, has a tremendous impact on the prevention of social harms. The institution of education is the most extensive cultural institution of any country that directly covers a large population. One of the most important matters and issues of education in the contemporary world, especially in third world countries that have not yet advanced in terms of educational technology, is the issue of teachers; Because the teacher connects the generations to each other; It preserves the culture of the society and changes and evolves it if needed. Also, the teacher shapes the behavior of the students and educates the people needed by the society. Therefore, in the opinion of education experts, curriculum, school organization and educational tools, although they have their own importance, but they do not have much value compared to the importance of the teacher; Because it is he who gives life to all of them and makes them fruitful and beneficial [5].

For this reason, today in advanced countries, despite the extraordinary advances in technology, especially educational technology, the position of professor and teacher is still reserved; Because no car has been able to take his place. Therefore, due to the important position and role of the teacher, he should behave responsibly and lovingly with the students so that they come to school with interest and enthusiasm and set him as a role model. Since elementary school students compete and want to surpass others, their competition, which is mild at first, gradually becomes more intense and affects their social development. Therefore, the teacher should strengthen and encourage healthy and constructive competition between children and increase cooperation between them. But in crowded schools where teachers are faced with a multitude of students and numerous tasks and assignments, there is little time left for teachers to pay attention to the problems and needs of each student. For this reason, it is possible that a student who needs help regarding his academic or social or personal situation and has no hope of receiving help, may turn to delinquent behavior to compensate in order to gain some attention and feel successful [6].

The Role of School Police in Preventing Social Deviations

Various studies show that the most effective measures to prevent crime in school are emotional measures; Not physical. These measures include improving the atmosphere and culture of the school, teaching, and modeling social behaviors, and providing the possibility of effectively dealing with the occurrence of antisocial behaviors or students’ tendency to violence. Nevertheless, establishing cooperation between the school and the police is also considered necessary by sociologists, Because the cooperation between the school and the police brings the acquisition of crime prevention and law enforcement skills to the school. School police officers are trained to identify factors affecting the physical environment of the school that lead to crime and disorder. These agents can be effective in eliminating specific and known problems in cooperation with school teachers.

In addition to facilitating the process of establishing security in the school, the police can play a significant role in improving the social environment of the school. With their active presence in the school, the police officers can report the shortcomings related to the establishment of security and order in the school and remind the students of the principles of proper behavior and the consequences of improper and abnormal behavior. Experience has proven that when students know what behavior acceptable and what behavior is undesirable, they can create behavioral norms in themselves, which will reduce the occurrence of crime and disorder. The first step in establishing cooperation between the school and the police is not to attribute problems to one side. Assumptions such as: “This is a problem with the school” or “This is a problem with the police”, should be removed from the minds [7].

In general, the school police are formed to achieve the following goals:

a) Prevention of crimes against students.

b) Teaching safety tips to elementary school students to prevent victimization.

c) Introducing a set of criminal actions against students.

d) Training students to resolve disputes, implement justice and be aware of crimes.

e) Identifying and determining the necessary changes in the school and its surrounding areas to reduce the incidence of crimes.

f) Contributing to school policies regarding crime prevention and adopting effective measures.


Man is a social being and needs to communicate with others; One of the main characteristics of education is to pay attention to social life and its main goal is to prepare students to be useful and effective in society, and the teacher is the first actor in the education scene. Therefore, in every society, many factors and conditions are involved for growth and development at the individual and social level. Each member of the society in the form of a group and social institution or individually has a role in the process of moving the society towards prosperity and perfection. In human society, the most basic work is education. The person who carries out this mission is the “teacher”. Teachers are one of the key people who play an important role in cultivating cultural, social, and economic forces in students’ lives and can guide and guide students who are part of society and will play a role in the future so that they can shape the future of their society. Make a figure with your own hands. One of the necessary activities for teachers is to familiarize them with the culture of their society. A teacher who knows the culture of his society will teach the concepts of the society’s culture to the students much better than a teacher who is not fully familiar with the culture of his society. One of the goals of teaching students by teachers is that they can make correct and rational decisions in their daily lives so that students can effectively participate in social life. The only duty of a teacher is not to teach, but as a social role model for all students, the teacher has the duty to educate them in terms of social and psychological education.


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